Whenever we are out driving Paul always feels it necessary to inform drivers on the road how reckless or absentminded they are by what has lovingly been referred to at our house as a 'horn spanking'. Braden has taken careful note of everything dad does. So Thursday we were at our favorite local Kroger where they have the blessed car cart that keeps my kiddos somewhat occupied while I try to get through the store without an extra box of yummy-o's tossed in my cart. After we had somehow managed to make it through the store past the tempting candy displays and through the checkout, Braden hopped aboard the car cart with Jacob and the two sat in there giggling their heads off as they 'drove' the cart. Trouble started as we headed into the parking lot. As we walked to the car I heard honking coming from the car cart and when I asked what they were doing, Braden said they were giving all the naughty drivers horn spankings, of course. When we got to the car Braden then proceeded to hop up on top of the car cart and direct Jacob in who to horn spank, and not just the cars. As people walked by Braden would point and say get 'em Jacob! and Jacob would of course oblige and horn spank these poor innocent bystanders. I wasn't sure if I should laugh or melt into the pavement at the activities if these mischevious little guys, ahhhh boys.
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